images (99)DRESS REHEARSAL 1 – 2020

So much is happening right now. So much is going on. All that is happening now is so the whole earth may know that Jehovah God has never lost control of creation, He is LORD over all.

He is allowing the earth to be shaken for His own plans and purposes. Can we not see how Awesome God is? There is no better time than now to surrender all to Jesus and to ensure that we stay surrendered.

Since man took autonomy of knowledge for himself in the garden of Eden, he had operated outside of God. Man had become wise in his own eyes, using his knowledge to “build and develop” his world. His knowledge and development brought him into darkness, nakedness, sorrows and perversion – humanity moving on a daily basis into more and more unimaginable decadence. This is not God’s idea of the beautiful earth He created for mankind.

God’s mercy and compassion made Him come to earth as a human to give us all another chance of  full dependence on Him, so that mankind may enjoy liberty, peace, progress and that he may exercise hegemony over all creation; yet once more humanity rejected God. However for as many as received Him, He loaded them with His DNA to manifest power and authority as His children wherever they may be found.

God is showing us that our puny brains, our created minds cannot power the work of His hands. Mankind is the work of God’s hands, the only way we can operate and function in full and unimpaired capacity is in complete and total dependence on Jehovah Elohim.

This happening all over the world right now is only one plague, only one plague… and the whole world is in disarray, scampering here and there. Confusion, panic, death, shutdowns, woes… everywhere.

World Super powers have become tottering toddlers in the face of this pandemic giant that wastes and threatens precious lives daily, all over the world. The machinery of communities are collapsing, as the gates of nations are shutting against one another. Weakness and ineptitude embrace the world as science, struggling to find respite from this wind of destruction, wrings its hands in seeming helplessness.

The world had always trusted in, believed in and depended on the saving power of science. CARL SAGAN said- “We live in a society absolutely dependent on science and technology,” STUART FIRESTEIN insists that Ignorance drives science and he was quoted thus – “Real science is a revision in progress, always. It proceeds in fits and starts of ignorance.” (Oh wow!) ISAAC ASIMOV postulates science as a mechanism of trial and error. He said – “Science does not purvey absolute truth, science is a mechanism. It’s a way of trying to improve your knowledge of nature, it’s a system for testing your thoughts against the universe and seeing whether they match,”. Is this what we are depending on to keep the would from disintegration and destruction? This trial and error mechanism?

A more mature, more enlightened, elderly ALBERT EINSTEIN surmised – “One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike — and yet it is the most precious thing we have.” True, a life without nothing tangible to hold on to, will grasp at straws… A life without God will hold on to whatever else… even if it is absolute failure.

Jesus is calling out to us all at this time; no matter what religion, what perspective you belong to or hold. No matter what title or position you have or hold in any circle, group, organisation, government, nation… Now is the time to acknowledge the supremacy of Jehovah and put your absolute trust in Him. He is the only one Who has the key to death and life. He is the only one Who knows and sees all things. All power in heaven and on earth belong to Jesus – there is no toning down, no moderating, no politically correcting this TRUTH.

Folks, this is just one plague. It is nothing compared to the seven plagues prophesied in The Book. They too will surely come. This one right here is a dress rehearsal, a warning, a tutorial. Turn your heart in full and in total surrender and dependence to God today. All the knowledge and strength of the world cannot save you. Submit your arrogance to God today. Call on JESUS to save you, He will answer. He alone is the Saviour of mankind.

KJO. 20th March 2020.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Feyikemi says:

    This is indeed the time to acknowledge the supremacy of Jehovah. I hope we will all come to accept that knowing and believing in Him is the ULTIMATE and ENOUGH, for without Him, we shall cease to be.

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