Prayer: “Every character trait in me that continually works to uproot me out of my place of rest, I take authority over you and I uproot you out of my life in Jesus Name. Amen.”

One of the most effective tools that the enemy of our souls uses to ensure that we do not handle nor embrace what rightfully belongs to us in God is  -“negative character traits” or “behavioral excesses”.

Character traits or behavioral excesses can deny us of or take out of our hands what God has prepared for us to enjoy.

When God sets the stage for our lifting and for our rest, when He releases unto us everything that we need to flow in His goodness and His glory, when He restrains the devil from touching us and from maligning our joy; oftentimes, one weapon that consistently has the power to uproot us out from that paradise is found right in us – a particular character trait or an excessive nature.

This dreadful condition makes certain that we never fully enter into our Rehoboth – our space -our promised land; no matter how impeccably the situation and circumstances may have been set up for us.

There are some who by way of hard work, tenacity, intercessions, struggling through, are seemingly enjoying a level of ease and comfort. However the ease and comfort is still not commensurate with the strenuous efforts that have been put in – this is obviously substandard to what has been promised in Christ Jesus. Often times the situation remains so because there is a trait, a condition, an excess, that restrains us from entering into the fullness of what God has ordained for us.

Prayer: “Whatever character excesses that I have, that shake out of my hands the full blessings and benefits of God, thereby making my life substandard, I uproot every such character negativities out of my life now, in Jesus Name. Amen.”

A man that has been given good circumstances, plum choices and good connections which should take him into the perfect plan and purpose of God for him, might still mess all that up because of this character and heart condition that is peculiar to him. Every time it seems his situation is looking fulfilling, that trait or excess in him will rear its ugly head and shake out of his hands all that he has been able to put together; leaving him empty and bereft. Until this person receives healing from this limiting condition, he would continue to live in “near success syndrome”, “abortion of good opportunities”, “errors at the verge of success” and “half baked results” -never able to fully enter into the best of God.

Prayer: “Lord heal me of the character traits and behavioural excesses that have become a snare unto my life and destiny in Jesus Name. Amen.”

This limiting condition could be an outright negative character trait or an excess of an otherwise positive trait. For example, it is human to have emotions; emotions are designed to keep us alive. Emotions signal promptings for us to act. However, no matter how good and positive an emotion could be, excesses of it would be counter productive. Excess emotions could lead to negatively coloured judgements, negatively coloured decisions and this would inadvertently destroy relationships. Excess emotions are garments that contrary spirits adorn and use to destroy lives.

Concern is a good prompter, but when it grows into anxiety, it can quickly become very harmful. Watchfulness, vigilance and carefulness is good, but when it becomes suspicion and distrust, this makes it difficult to have good and smooth relationships with people. Everyone feels sadness sometimes, however one should be careful that it does not degenerate into depression. As humans, it is normal to feel annoyance at some point or the other, however, anger, rage, temper tantrums can be very damaging. Prudence is a virtue but selfishness and self centredness are evil. Jealousy, envy, bitterness are also emotions that could evolve from hearts that are much concerned about being ahead of others at all times in all ways. The passion to always be the relevant one creates a strong competitive streak in such persons. The atmosphere around such a person would always be tense and this will make quite a number of people (including people whom God has prepared to help in one way or the other) avoid this person.

Prayer: “In every way that I have allowed my emotions to adorn and empower demon spirits against my life and destiny, today I cut myself off from every such negative emotions. I rebuke, I bind every emotion and every contrary spirit that has a negative hold over my life, loose your hold over me. I break your power over my life in Jesus Name. Amen”

Generosity is very good, but if there is an excess of generosity, it could translate into extravagance, prodigality and wastefulness. These are not positive at all. Prudence is invaluable, but an excess of prudence could lead to stinginess or meanness. Excesses would definitely be a pollutant to any life no matter how otherwise pleasant that life is –
“She is a pretty, well dressed lady, a fantastic cook, neat and caring, but, she always goes overboard when she starts to talk. She talks too much. She just doesn’t know when to stop.”
“He is such a gentleman, so diligent and excitingly creative, but he just can’t seem to be able to stop eating and drinking. He is such a glutton.”

Prayer: “Every excessive nature that has hindered my life from moving into and abiding in the rest of God for me, I uproot you out of my life now, in Jesus Name. Amen.”

When God opens our eyes to see and realise our character limitations and He begins a work of healing in us, the process and procedure might be unpleasant and uncomfortable – like bitter medicine for ill health or traction for broken bones, but if we stay cooperative under his corrective procedure, we are sure to come out healed and delivered of these limitations and impeding conditions.

Prayer: “Father Lord, please open my eyes and make me see my limitations.  I receive grace to cooperate with you for healing and total deliverance. Please help me to be who you have created me to be. Help me not to cause offence but rather to be an asset to you and a help to my world.  I submit myself to your process and procedure of deliverance and healing from all negative traits that have continually sabotaged my life and destiny. I receive total liberty from them all so as to become all that you planed and purposed me to be. From today I adorn myself with the garment of your presence, the garment of your fire power. I receive afresh the nature and character of God. I manifest the Fruit of the Spirit. I walk and I live manifesting the fullness of your glory even as you have ordained, this I pray and receive in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen” ~ KJO.20140712-120846-43726078.jpg

2 Comments Add yours

  1. OLUSOLA. FISHER says:

    I couldn’t agree more on your view on the Issue of excesses of emotions which could possibly score a person zero on human relations. I can relate to this very well .We must always be on the alert to check our excesses as we are enjoined in the bible to exercise moderation in everything in life.

    1. beautyparlour05 says:

      Thank you sis for your approving comment. Moderation and temperance in all things is beneficial. Blessings sis!

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